Monday, February 28, 2005

Friends come and go. Aren't they?

Kita dulu biasa bareng. Setiap ada senggang kita jalan, or do something together. Bahkan kalo bareng di kantor pokoknya rame banget.
But, suddenly, when our friends got something special we call lover, everything is changing. I know I'm too old to not understand that, I'm nearly 30!! Tapi, kok aku ngerasa salah atau aneh tepatnya, kalo tiba2 ketika kita punya pacar, kita harus milih antara temen atau pacar.
I think that's ridiculous! Temen ya temen, pacar ya pacar, keduanya bisa barengan kok! Ga harus berubah.
Tapi aku bisa ngerti kok akhirnya. I can live with that. May be friends just come and go. Being alone is no problemo. Good bye then!